After checking out of the Blind Channel Resort I dropped anchor in the nearby Cordero Islands. Intending to stay only a couple of days before moving on to Port Neville and then the Broughtons I found a good place inside the small chain.

An abandoned dock in bay that once served the only home on the shoreline (I assume no one lives there now)
I waited patiently for a good forecast in Johnstone Strait and Queen Charlette Strait to head north. Each day the forecast got windier and then I saw a series of small fronts starting to line up off shore. I spent one day after another trying to decide whether to advance myself up the inside passage or not. Meanwhile the conditions here in the Cordero anchorage were very nice!

The dinghy with Kinetics in the background
I finally decided that Summer was ending a few weeks early and I had no desire to spend my final few weeks moving from cove to cove staying out of strong westerly winds and rain which is more than 50% likely to be what’s in store for September in Blackfish Sound and parts north.
So this is the end of my northward journey for this year. I will take my time heading back south and visit bays and harbors I have and have not seen before. I have all of September to do so and I think the weather will be better as I head south. I’ve had the Cordero Islands almost all to myself for a few days now. It is like someone flipped a switch and most of the boats have disappeared. I hope it stays that way as I make my way home.

The tide rushing through the gap between one of the islands and the mainland